Taxation is usually based on income. The more you earn the higher your rate of taxation. The imposition of the HST in British Columbia is the attempt by the Provincial government to change this method of taxation. Instead of taxing income, taxation will be based on consumption of goods. Taxation will be moved from the wealthiest, and spread over the whole population regardless on how much you earn. Politicians can thus claim that they are lowering taxes on corporations and rich individuals, by making even the poorest section of society subject to taxation on everything that they consume. They claim that the tax savings on rich corporations and individuals will lead to the creation of more jobs.Are we to believe that wealthy corporations and individuals will use the new found profits for the benefit of society instead of paying out their savings in taxes to themselves and stockholders? There is no proof that the adoption of the HST in other provinces has led to the creation of new jobs.
The HST is an unjust tax that spreads taxation from the richest to the poorest.
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