The political scenario in BC is a very interesting one at the moment. Some people may even find it very amusing. We have the two main political parties in the provincial government without aleader. Both leaders, Gordon Campbell of the Liberal party and Carole James of the NDP party resigned shortly one after the other. Gordon Campbell recognized his unpopularity with the BC people, and Carole James was pushed out by 13 dissidents in her own party.
We now have a number of politicians contesting the empty leaders' seats. On the NDP side we
have the spectacle of a party at odds with its own constitution the demands that one of the three top posts in the party be occupied by a woman. On the Liberal side, we have ex-ministers of the Gordon Cambell government, disclaiming having had any part in the sale of BC Rail.
Christy Clark is the only outsider, who was not in Gordon Campbell's government when he resigned. I do not believe that Ms Clark had any part in the sale of BC Rail. It is quite clear that she supports a referendum on the HST in June, earlier than the September referendum supported by her political opponents. She is the only one who has taken up a clear-cut position. PersonallyI would give my support to her in her quest for the leadership of the BC Liberals.
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