Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chilean miners real rescuers

In all the news reports about the the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners, little or nothing was said about the people who worked behind the scenes to bring the miners back to the surface. There were many pictures of the Chilean President embracing the miners as they came out of the rescue capsule. The billionaire President, who also owns the TV station qwas the central figure of all the pictures.
What about Albert Iturra, the psychologist, who cared for the mental welfare of the trapped miners or Andres Llarena, the naval commander and physsician, who was at the mine since August 24, advisingon the care of the miners while underground.There were other rescuers,such as, Patricio Robiero, an expert in hostile environment and rescue zones, who served in Iraq between 2006 qnd 2008.There weere also Andre Sougarret, the Civil engineerwho was ccalled in by the Chilean state mining conglomerate to coordinatethe rescue operation. Jeff Hart, the drill operator from Denver, Colorado, whose drill broke through to the miners.Not tobe forgotten are Laurence Golborne and Dr Jean Ramagloni.The former, a mining engineer may make a bid for THE Presidency in the next elections.
I had to go to a British newspaper, the Telegraph, to get this information.

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