Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today, Saturday 1st May the hated HST became law in BC. On Thursday, Gordon Campbell and his Liberal caucus cut short the debate on the HST bill, and passed the legislation into law. There was no regard for democratic freedom of speech or the opposition of 85 percent of the BC population to the HST. It is now obvious, something that the Liberals have been hiding from us, that we are boxed in for five years by the agreement that the Liberals signed with th Federal government. Even if the petition we are signing is succesful, we have to grin and bear it for the next five years. Even if the NDP win the next election this Liberal yoke on our necks will continue for this period of time.
During this time the food banks will flourish even more, because the poor will get poorer, and will have to get help for their daily meals. The buying power of our incomes will become smaller, and it is possible that inflation will climb. Economists have told us what the effects of high taxes on the economy are. The underground economy will increase in size, because people will try to avoid paying the HST using cash and making deals to obtain services. This is what happened after Mulroney and his Conservative government introduced the GST.
At the next Provincial elections, will British Columbians forget and forgive the Liberals, just as Canadians hve done for the GST? That is what the Provincial Liberals are hoping for.Will you remember the HST, and still vote Liberal?

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