Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bc's confusing politics

I believe that many voters in BC are faced with a difficult choice in the next provincial elections. We have a choice from among three political parties, the ruling Liberal party, the NDP and the  untested Conservative party. The polls show that the Liberal party is no longer the popular choice of the majority of voters. The NDP are  by far the leaders in the polls. The Conservatives are led by a man of unknown quality formerly active in the Federal government.
Should I vote for the NDP who brought economic disaster during their previous terms in office. Is Adrian Dix  any better than previous leaders of the NDP with a policy of tax and spend? Is he a radical social democrat? Can Christie Clark regain the confidence of BC voters?
This is the dilemma that I face as a voter in the next Provincial elections.

Monday, January 16, 2012


When I hear the outcry from environmentalists about the proposed pipeline to Kitimat, I wonder what is behind this outburst to protect the environment.These protectors of nature do not seem to be individuals voicing their own convinced opinions, but rather people with a lot of money behind them. What about the number of working men who cannot find jobs? For them this project would open the door to employment. What about the economy of our country that needs in the present economic downturn a means to bring about an upturn?
Environmentalists talk about accidents that could cause disasters to our pristine waters. Do they remember what happened in the second world war?
How many ships were torpedoed by German u-boats in the English Channel, in the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean? Yet, tourists still enjoy the beauty of the beaches of the English coast, the magnificent coastline of Normandy and the numerous Mediterranean resorts. Hundreds of ships sank with their cargo of oil, but nature seems to have its own way of repairing the damage.